Pass all arguments of a function to another function

Just duplicate the named arguments for the method signature.

def print(self, *args, end='\n', sep=' ', flush=False, file=None):
    if self.condition:
        print(*args, end=end, sep=sep, flush=flush, file=file)

I know it looks a bit ugly but works perfectly, if you are using a lot of keyword arguments and only want to build a facade for another method:

def print(self, print_message, end='\n', sep=' ', flush=False, file=None):
    if self.condition:
        print(**{key: value for key, value in locals().items() if key != 'self'})

Although it's a lot of boilerplate, it avoids any duplication of parameter statements.

You might also look into using a decorator to make the conditional part more pythonic. But beware that the decorator checks the condition once prior to the class instantiation.

The standard way to pass on all arguments is as @JohnColeman suggested in a comment:

class ClassWithPrintFunctionAndReallyBadName:
    def print(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.condition:
            print(*args, **kwargs)

As parameters, *args receives a tuple of the non-keyword (positional) arguments, and **kwargs is a dictionary of the keyword arguments.

When calling a function with * and **, the former tuple is expanded as if the parameters were passed separately and the latter dictionary is expanded as if they were keyword parameters.

class List(list):
    def append_twice(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.append(*args, **kwargs)
        self.append(*args, **kwargs)
l = List()
print(l) # ['Hello', 'Hello']

