Parsing text files

To add the SQL text, you could try this command prompt one liner:

(for /f %i in (words.txt) do @echo INSERT INTO Words ^(word^) VALUES ^('%i'^)) > words.sql

To filter out lines in a text file longer than 7 characters, you could use another command line tool, findstr:

findstr /v /r ^.........*$ words.txt > shorter-words.txt

The /r option specifies that you want to use regex matching, and the /v option tells it to print lines that do not match. (Since it appears that findstr doesn't allow you to specify a character count range, I faked it with the "8 or more" pattern and the "do not match" option.)

Perl for sure, simply paste this script and run it in the same directory as the wordlist. Change your wordlist name to words.txt or alter the name in the script. You can redirect the output to a new file like so: > list.txt

without further avail (whipped it together quick, can be chopped down a fair bit):

open FILE, "words.txt" or die $!;

my @words = <FILE>;

foreach $word(@words)
    print $word if(length($word) <= 8);

You can get the GNUWin32 sed for Windows XP.
Similarly AWK and Perl too.
That is if you are used to Unix scripting (if so also consider Cygwin).

Otherwise there is also PowerShell.