Parse output of spawned node.js child process line by line

I've actually written a Node library for exactly this purpose, it's called stream-splitter and you can find it on Github: samcday/stream-splitter.

The library provides a special Stream you can pipe your casper stdout into, along with a delimiter (in your case, \n), and it will emit neat token events, one for each line it has split out from the input Stream. The internal implementation for this is very simple, and delegates most of the magic to substack/node-buffers which means there's no unnecessary Buffer allocations/copies.

Try this:

cspr.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
  var str = data.toString(), lines = str.split(/(\r?\n)/g);
  for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
    // Process the line, noting it might be incomplete.

Note that the "data" event might not necessarily break evenly between lines of output, so a single line might span multiple data events.