Parse ldap filter to escape special characters

For escaping LDAP filters, I relied on this page to write the code below:

String LdapEscape(String ldap)
    if(ldap == null) return "";
    return ldap.replace("\\", "\\5C").replace("*", "\\2A").replace("(", "\\28").replace(")", "\\29").replace("\000", "\\00");

The most important thing to keep in mind here is that replacing \ with \5C must happen first so that you don't double escape any characters. Otherwise it's very straightforward; there aren't any special tricks to watch out for.

I'd like to point out that this is meant to escape individual values placed in LDAP filters, not the entire LDAP filter. However if you wanted, you could use that function to escape something like this so it can be searched for:

LdapEscape("(!(sn=m*))"); // \28!\28sn=m\2A\29

The answer by Pluto is great and concise, but non-ASCII UTF-8 characters (e.g. é, á, ö, etc.) need special handling too. Here's my verbose solution.

 * Filter components need to escape special chars.
 * Note that each piece of the filter needs to be escaped, 
 * not the whole filter expression, for example:
 * "(&(cn="+ esc("Admins") +")(member="+ esc("CN=Doe\\, Jöhn,OU=ImPeople,DC=ds,DC=augur,DC=com") +"))"
 * @see Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition 11g Reference doc
 * @see
 * @param s A String field within the search expression
 * @return The escaped string, safe for use in the search expression.
public static String esc(String s)
    if(s == null) return "";
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.length());
    for (byte c : s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
        if (c=='\\') { sb.append("\\5c"); }
        else if (c=='*') { sb.append("\\2a"); }
        else if (c=='(') { sb.append("\\28"); }
        else if (c==')') { sb.append("\\29"); }
        else if (c==0) { sb.append("\\00"); }
        else if ((c&0xff)>127) { sb.append("\\").append(to2CharHexString((c&0xff))); } // UTF-8's non-7-bit characters, e.g. é, á, etc...
        else { sb.append((char)c); }
    return sb.toString();

 * @return The least significant 16 bits as a two-character hex string, 
 * padded by a leading '0' if necessary.
public static String to2CharHexString(int i)
    String s = Integer.toHexString(i & 0xff);
    if (s.length()==1) return "0"+s;
    else return s;