Parse IIS log file - is there an alternative to LogParser

You can use Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) , you can install it via nuget

and use it like this:

var iisLog = W3CEnumerable.FromFile(pathToLog);
int nbOfLogsForLastHour = iisLog.Where(x => x.dateTime > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1)).Count();

If the log file is used by another process, you can use W3CEnumerable.FromStream

It's 2017 and the LogParser is still closed source. Moreover, all the instrumentation provided by cloud solutions appears to be making the need for parsing IIS logs a thing of the past. But since I am also dealing with legacy apps, I wrote this simple parser using .NET core.

using System;
using System.IO;
using W3CParser.Extensions;
using W3CParser.Instrumentation;
using W3CParser.Parser;

namespace W3CParser
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var reader = new W3CReader(File.OpenText(args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "Data/foobar.log"));

            using (new ConsoleAutoStopWatch())
                foreach (var @event in reader.Read())
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}):{2}/{3} {4} (bytes sent)",

Source code: