Parallel HTTP requests in Angular 4

This will map locations array in array of Observables, forkJoin will emit value, when all responses are in place

  .map((element) => this.weatherService.getWeather(element))
.subscribe((data) => console.log(data));

The issue is that using the function keyword instead of an arrow function, you are losing what this means. Inside a function using the function keyword, this refers to the function and not to your component class.

Modify to something like this:

this.locations.forEach(element => {
  this.weatherService.getWeather(element).subscribe((data) => {

Note: You could also consider using forkJoin to wrap multiple observables.

You can find docs on it here:

But the example here may be more helpful: rxjs with multiple forkjoin when doing http requests

UPDATE: See improved docs here: