Pandas Equivalent for SQL window function and rows range

Try groupby with shift then reindex back

df['new'] = df.groupby(['customer','day']).purchase.sum().shift().reindex(pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df[['customer','day']])).values
  customer  day  purchase   new
0      Joe    1         5   NaN
1      Joe    1        10   NaN
2      Joe    2        10  15.0
3      Joe    2         5  15.0
4      Joe    4        10  15.0


s = df.groupby(['customer','day']).apply(lambda x : df.loc[df.customer.isin(x['customer'].tolist()) & (['day']-1)|['day']-2)),'purchase'].sum())
df['new'] = s.reindex(pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df[['customer','day']])).values
  customer  day  purchase  new
0      Joe    1         5    0
1      Joe    1        10    0
2      Joe    2         5   15
3      Joe    2         5   15
4      Joe    4        10   10
5      Joe    7         5    0

Not sure if this is the right way to go, and this is limited since only one customer is provided; if there were different customers, I would use merge instead of map; Note also that there is also an implicit assumption that the days are ordered in ascending already:

Get the purchase sum based on the groupby combination of customer and day and create a mapping between day and the sum:

sum_purchase = (df.groupby(["customer", "day"])

Again, for multiple customers, I would not drop the customer index, and instead use a merge below:

Get a mapping of the days with the difference between the days:

diff_2_days = (df.drop_duplicates("day")[["day"]]
                 .set_index("day", drop=False)

Create the new column by mapping the above values to the day column, then use np.where to get columns where the diff is less than or equal to 2:

        diff_2_days =,
        sum_purchase =,
        final=lambda df: np.where(df.diff_2_days.le(2), 
      .drop(columns=["sum_purchase", "diff_2_days"])

    customer    day     purchase    final
0       Joe     1             5     NaN
1       Joe     1            10     NaN
2       Joe     2             5     15.0
3       Joe     2             5     15.0
4       Joe     4            10     10.0
5       Joe     7             5     NaN

Ran your code in postgres to get an idea of what range does and how it differs from rows; quite insightful. I think for windows functions, SQL got this covered and easily too.

SO, let me know where this falls on its face, and I'll gladly have a rejig at it.