Pandas Dataframe object types fillna exception over different datatypes

You can grab the float64 and object columns using:

In [11]: float_cols = df.blocks['float64'].columns

In [12]: object_cols = df.blocks['object'].columns

and int columns won't have NaNs else they would be upcast to float.

Now you can apply the respective fillnas, one cheeky way:

In [13]: d1 = dict((col, '') for col in object_cols)

In [14]: d2 = dict((col, 0) for col in float_cols)

In [15]: df.fillna(value=dict(d1, **d2))

You can iterate through them and use an if statement!

for col in df:
    #get dtype for column
    dt = df[col].dtype 
    #check if it is a number
    if dt == int or dt == float:

When you iterate through a pandas DataFrame, you will get the names of each of the columns, so to access those columns, you use df[col]. This way you don't need to do it manually and the script can just go through each column and check its dtype!

A compact version example:

#replace Nan with '' for columns of type 'object'

However, after the above operation, the dataframe will only contain the 'object' type columns. For keeping all columns, use the solution proposed by @Ryan Saxe.


