Pagination with mongoTemplate

MongoTemplate does not have methods to return Page. The find() methods return an ordinary List.

with(new PageRequests(page, size) is used internally to adjust skip and limit with a MongoDB query (proceeded by a count query I think)

Page can be used in conjunction with MongoDB repositories which is a specialized case of Spring data repositories.

Thus, you'll have to use MongoRepository's Page findAll(Pageable pageable) for paginated results (actually inherited from PagingAndSortingRepository).

It's true that the MongoTemplate doesn't have findXXX with Pageables.

But you can use the Spring Repository PageableExecutionUtils for that.

In your example it would look like this:

Pageable pageable = new PageRequests(page, size);
Query query = new Query().with(pageable);
List<XXX> list = mongoTemplate.find(query, XXX.class);
return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(
                       () -> mongoTemplate.count(Query.of(query).limit(-1).skip(-1), XXX.class));

Like in the original Spring Data Repository, the PageableExecutionUtils will do a count request and wrap it into a nice Page for you.

Here you can see that spring is doing the same.

Based on d0x's answer and looking at the spring code. I'm using this variation which works off the spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb dependency without needing to add spring data commons.

private MongoOperations mongoOperations;

public Page<YourObjectType> searchCustom(Pageable pageable) {
    Query query = new Query().with(pageable);
    // Build your query here

    List<YourObjectType> list = mongoOperations.find(query, YourObjectType.class);
    long count = mongoOperations.count(query, YourObjectType.class);
    Page<YourObjectType> resultPage = new PageImpl<YourObjectType>(list , pageable, count);
    return resultPage;