Apple - PageUp and PageDown keys for Irssi (IRC) in Macbook?

It took me a while to guess that and I didn't find anything on Google, so at least, if somebody needs it, it's fn + Up/Down in iTerm 2.

fn + shift + Up/Down

IIRC in previous versions of Mac OS X (Lion or perhaps earlier), fn had to come first. But I just tested fn vs. shift first and neither had a different effect.

This may be specific, and may not work in iTerm 2. YMMV

In Terminal, go to Preferences... > Profiles. Click your 'Default' profile or the one you're currently using. Click the 'Keyboard' tab. Click 'Use Option as meta key'. Now Option-P and Option-N will do page back and page up.

Control-P and Control-N are view page up/down... so it's super nice.