Chemistry - Ozone resonance structure: differing opinions

Those are all valid resonance structures for ozone (except the second from the left in the "four-form structure" row, that one has two negative charges, maybe it's a typo). In fact you can draw even more structures like this one, where this is no single bond between the middle and terminal-right oxygens.

enter image description here

All of these structures contribute to the "real" structure of ozone - however, some resonance structures contribute more and some resonance structures contribute less. Here is a link to a nice set of rules (see page 2, the "Resonance Contributor Preference Rule" section) that describes how to weight the contribution of various resonance structures. The most important rule is that each atom in the resonance structure should have an octet of electrons. Only the structures labeled I and II in your "three-form structure" row meet this requirement, so they are the two most important resonance structures for ozone - but all of the others do contribute, just to a lesser extent.

