oxps to pdf or image - Linux

Method #1 (recommended)

Software requirements: Ghostscript/GhostXPS (version 9.19 or later).

To convert OXPS to PDF, simply execute the following command:

gxps -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=/path/to/output.pdf -dNOPAUSE /path/to/input.oxps

This method preserves text layers.

Method #2 (deprecated)

(This works on Windows, Mac, and Linux, but converts text layers to images)

Use mudraw (included with MuPDF; mupdf-tools on Debian-based distributions) to convert the .oxps file to a series of .png files (converting directly to PDF doesn't work properly; fonts get messed up) with a resolution of 300 dpi:

mudraw -o mudraw_output_page_number_%d.png -r 300 input.oxps

Convert the .png files to a multipage PDF using ImageMagick's convert utility:

convert mudraw_output_page_number_*.png final.pdf

Note: If convert messes up the page order you can specify each individual .png file as the input (i.e., without using wildcards):

convert 1.png 2.png 3.png final.pdf

This should work on all platforms where MuPDF and ImageMagick are available (so on Windows, too).

You can use this online converter - online2pdf.

Or if you have access to a Windows 8 machine, you can convert the file to pdf(or xps) using a pdf printer.

Also, MuPDF on linux can open a .oxps file(only for viewing though).