Owl Carousel, navigation disabled after reaching first/last item

I had the same issue with Owl Carousel 2, My solution - with the native navigation buttons, after calling the slider:

             var elm = '.slider'; //your slider class
             function toggleArrows(){ 
                if($(elm).find(".owl-item").last().hasClass('active') && 
                   $(elm).find(".owl-item.active").index() == $(elm).find(".owl-item").first().index()){                       
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-next').addClass("off");
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-prev').addClass("off"); 
                //disable next
                else if($(elm).find(".owl-item").last().hasClass('active')){
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-next').addClass("off");
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-prev').removeClass("off"); 
                //disable previus
                else if($(elm).find(".owl-item.active").index() == $(elm).find(".owl-item").first().index()) {
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-next').removeClass("off"); 
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-prev').addClass("off");
                    $(elm).find('.owl-nav .owl-next,.owl-nav .owl-prev').removeClass("off");  

            //turn off buttons if last or first - after change
            $(elm).on('initialized.owl.carousel', function (event) {
             $(elm).on('translated.owl.carousel', function (event) { toggleArrows(); });

As for the css - give the class "off" the properties you want for disabled button.

You can use callbak afterAction and with your custom controls

afterAction: function(){
  if ( this.itemsAmount > this.visibleItems.length ) {

    if ( this.currentItem == 0 ) {
    if ( this.currentItem == this.maximumItem ) {

  } else {

Check the working demo - http://jsfiddle.net/p3d52z4n/9/

Simply use callbacks-

navRewind: false

You'll notice that a 'disabled' class is added to owl-next and owl-prev when the first/last item is reached. Adding CSS-

.owl-next.disabled, .owl-prev.disabled {
display: none !important;

will do the trick.

Simplest solution:

OwlCarousel 2 gives disabled class to nav elements when the first/last element is reached.

So you could just need something like that:

    display: none;