Overlaying a text box on a leaflet.js map

I know this is old, but here's some sample code, CSS as necessary:

L.Control.textbox = L.Control.extend({
		onAdd: function(map) {
		var text = L.DomUtil.create('div');
		text.id = "info_text";
		text.innerHTML = "<strong>text here</strong>"
		return text;

		onRemove: function(map) {
			// Nothing to do here
	L.control.textbox = function(opts) { return new L.Control.textbox(opts);}
	L.control.textbox({ position: 'bottomleft' }).addTo(map);

You have two simple options, extend a new L.Control and place it in one of the four corners of the map window with content created inside the onAdd method, or place a L.DivIcon anywhere on the map alongside a L.Marker, by either geographical coordinates or coordinates based upon the dimensions of the container.Making it "box" like would just include a small bit of CSS as you see fit, like some padding,background-color, etc.