Overlay symbol with another

You can overlay the symbols the following way: Box the wider one and let the other one lap over it (using \rlap or \llap). The correct centering is achieved by placing the second character into a box with the equal width but using \hss to center it. The correct size for the different math modes can be adjusted using \mathchoice.

    \rlap{\hbox to \wd0{\hss?\hss}}\box0


$ A \qeq B $

$ A = B $

\[ A \qeq B \]
\[ A = B \]

$ S_{ A \qeq B } $

$ S_{ A = B } $

$ S_{S_{ A \qeq B }} $

$ S_{S_{ A = B }} $




You could also use the Plain macro \ooalign:


The just submitted stackengine package is tailor made for combining glyphs. Since it was just submitted to CTAN, it will hopefully propagate this weekend.

\parskip 1ex\parindent 0in
%Arguments to inset commands{overlay image}{base image}{V-offset}{H-offset}
Relative to bottom vs. top:\\

With V and H shifting:\\

Glyphs of different scales:\\
Th\newi s uses width of anchor alone

Th\newi s uses width of complete stack

enter image description here