Overclocking tools in Linux

google search the highlighted names for more infomation

CPU-Z alternatives (CPU information)

  1. CPU-G (Simple)
  2. i-nex (Advanced)

    installation tutorial

HWMonitor alternatives (temperatures & fans speeds)

  1. Psensor (Easy)

  2. Xsensors (Simple) [GUI for lm-sensors] use [watch -n 1 -d sensors]

for Desktop integration use gatotray or the [Panel applet] sensors

Prime95 alternatives (Stress testing)

  1. MPrime (command line) [linux version of Prime95]

  2. system stability tester (Easy) [CPU]

  3. unigine benchmarks (Awesomely Easy) [GPU]

  4. Phoronix Test Suite |Stress-run| (expert) [all hardware]

  5. Breakin stress-test (Expert) [bootable OS] [all hardware]

System & hardware information

  1. HardInfo (easy) [System profiler and benchmark]

  2. kinfocenter (Simple)

  3. sysinfo (Basic)

  4. lshw-gtk (Advanced) or [sudo lshw -short]

install with sudo apt-get install (name here)

terminal commands & utilities

stress testing stress & stress-ng cpuburn stressapptest

System information commands

sudo dmidecode --type processor [ for help google dmidecode Details]

sudo cpufreq-info

cat /proc/cpuinfo

inxi -xSCs

hwinfo --short

For stress testing I recommend using SETI@home for two reasons:

  1. Great stress testing
  2. Your PC helps science

For changing voltages, use linux-PHC (CLI)

For monitoring temperatures, use lm-sensors (CLI)

For Ubuntu/Debian (as root):

apt-get install lm-sensors
yes | sensors-detect
/etc/init.d/module-init-tools start

Then type:


It should show you temperatures.

For CPU-Z I can't really say (/proc/cpuinfo doesn't give core speed, multiplier etc...).

For hardware monitoring the sensors command (part of the lm_sensors package) should work; it doesn't have a GUI per se, however.

Finally, the stresslinux distro has many stress-testing utilities.

stresslinux makes use of some utitlities available on the net like: stress, cpuburn, hddtemp, lm_sensors ...

stresslinux is dedicated to users who want to test their system(s) entirely on high load and monitoring the health.

Stresslinux is for people (system builders, overclockers) who want to test their hardware under high load and monitor stability and thermal environment.