Output the PPCG Prime

Jelly, 55 54 52 47 46 bytes


There are more convoluted approaches in the revision history, but this simple one beats them all.

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How it works


This is a numeric literal, encoded in bijective base 250, where the digits are taken from Jelly's code page. The chain's (left) argument and the return value are set to the encoded integer,
n := 0x21871c77d7d7af6fafafeff0c37f72ff7fbfbdbfdfef5edfeff8e3.


A similar literal to the above one, but the second separates two encoded integers. The return value is replaced with the encoded array, [777711, 113].


D converts the return value to decimal ([[7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1], [1, 1, 3]]), then x39 repeats each individual integer/digit in the result 39 times. This yields a pair of arrays, which contains the digits before and after the 7-character high text, respectively. Let's call this array A.


First, B converts the (left) argument n to binary. This yields the digits that form the 7-character high text, where each 88 has been replaced by 0.

Then, j joins the array A, using the binary array as separator.


This performs logical OR with 88, replacing each 0 with 88.


We have the correct digits now, but in an array of 7's, 1's, 88's, and 3's. V implicitly turns this array into a string and then evals it, yielding a single integer.

Bubblegum, 51 bytes

00000000: 331f c4c0 90ba c002 0a90 5986 d818 50d5  3.........Y...P.
00000010: 282c 3406 6e65 5036 1e4b 9195 8109 649d  (,4.neP6.K....d.
00000020: 5858 1896 4279 68b2 f895 61fa 94ca c098  XX..Byh...a.....
00000030: 3800 00                                  8..

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SOGL V0.12, 52 51 bytes

≡=vā⁷H↕↕jΥ_Ν↑∆∫▲pΖo	‘θδžΟwd╬2n?q[‘²Κ7n⌡"α¼■╤ģ⅞¹‘¹H∑

ties bubblegum!
note that this answer contains a tab

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Tries to save bytes by reusing the same string for both of the Ps.


...‘...‘²Κ7n⌡"..‘¹H∑  compressed strings replaced with ellipses to shorten the width
...‘                  pushes "1111111188888188888888111118811111881111188111118881118818111811111111188888188888888111118811111881111188118118888818818881811118111" - CG
    ...‘              pushes "1111111888888888888881118118111811811181181118118111811811188881111881" - P
        ²             join with itself - double the P
         Κ            reverse add - prepend the PP to CG
          7n          split to line lengths of 7
            ⌡         for each
             "..‘       push "311ŗ117777" with ŗ replaced with the ToS - current item looping over
                 ¹    wrap the results tn an array
                  H   rotate it counter-clockwise
                   ∑  join to a single string

The numbers there are saved as from the original starting at the bottom left, going up, then 1 right & down, then up, ect.

A 52 byte plain compression version:


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