OutOfMemoryError when creating AmazonS3Client in Lambda

One way to reduce cold start is setting the memory to 1536 mb and the timeout to 15 min. This will give dedicated host to run only your lambda instead of running your lambda on shared host + when a new instance has to be started, it will copy the code from cache on the host rather than copying from S3.

This though will be more expensive and if you don't want to do this, continue reading below.

How can I reduce my cold start times?

  1. Follow the Lambda best practices

  2. By choosing a larger memory setting for your function
    Think of the memory as a "power" setting because it also dictates how much CPU your function will receive.

  3. By reducing the size of your function ZIP
    This likely means reducing the number of dependencies you include in your function ZIP. Java JARs can be further reduced in size using ProGuard

  4. [Java Only] Use the bytestream interface instead of the POJO interface.
    The JSON serialization libraries that Lambda uses internally can take some time to start. It will take dev work on your end, but you may be able to improve on this by using the byte stream interface along with a lightweight JSON library. Here are some links that may help: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/java-handler-io-type-stream.html https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-jr

  5. [Java Only] Don't use Java 8 feature that replaces anonymous classes (lambdas, method references, constructor references, etc.)
    We've noticed internally that Java 8 Lambda-related bytecode appears to result in sub-optimal startup performance. If your code is using any Java 8 feature that replaces anonymous classes (lambdas, method references, constructor references, etc.) you may get better startup time by moving back to anonymous classes.

  6. By using a different runtime
    Different runtimes have different cold start times, and different runtime performance. While NodeJS might be better for heavy IO work, Go might be better for code that does a lot of concurrent work. Customers have done some basic benchmarks to compare language performance on Lambda, and here is a more generic comparison of different programming languages performance. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, use what makes sense for your requirements.

basic benchmarks:https://read.acloud.guru/comparing-aws-lambda-performance-of-node-js-python-java-c-and-go-29c1163c2581

generic comparison : https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/which-programs-are-fast.html

I have been observing this when using AWS Java SDK within the Lambda function. It would seem when creating any of the AWS clients (Sync or Async) you may get out of Metaspace.

I believe this is due to things that the Amazon Client is performing upon instantiation, including AmazonHttpClient creation as well as dynamic loading of request handler chains (part of AmazonEc2Client#init() private method).

It is possible that the reported memory usage is for Heap itself, but may not include Metaspace. There are a few threads on AWS Forums but no responses from AWS on the matter.

Try to increase the memory allocated to lambda from 128 to 256 MB