OS pod install error. Module glog cannot be installed

Most of the times this happens when you have more then one Xcode development version. Well thats what happened to me. You can try re-configuring/changing the xcode-select path to default Xcode.app:

Check your Xcode app name first

xcode-select -p

If its not Xcode.app then do this:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app

after that run pod install again

If its already set to Xcode.app then try following:

cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-* ../../scripts/ios-configure-glog.sh

i didn't need to do that because the step before worked already, maybe it helps you :)

I'm promoting Chase Holland's comment to an answer, because it solved my problem: remove any spaces you may have in your Xcode path.

/Applications/Xcode 10.0.app: will cause the error above

/Applications/Xcode10.0.app: will not