Oral vs Poster vs Workshop. Which is the most prestigious in the context of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence?

0. Invited/plenary talk at the main conference

1. Paper in the main proceedings with an oral presentation

2. Paper in the main proceedings with a poster presentation

3. Everything else

Having a paper in the primary conference proceedings is more prestigious than not having a paper in the primary conference proceedings. If I understand how CVPR, ICML, and the like work, that means (oral presentations and posters) are more prestigious than (workshop, tutorial, or other).

Only a small number of CVPR/ICML/etc papers are accepted for oral presentation, so having a paper with an oral presentation is more prestigious than having a paper with a poster presentation.

Workshops and tutorials are apples and oranges. A workshop presentation is more likely to be associated with your own original research (if only in preliminary form). On the other hand, a tutorial presentation is a significant community service, and being invited to give a tutorial is a mark of community standing. I would rank tutorials slightly ahead of workshop papers, but I'm sure not everyone would agree with me.

I am going to give you a partial answer, waiting for a more complete explanation of your question. The highest prestige is in giving an opening or closing speech at a plenary session in a big conference. Then the same kind of talk at a secondary conference. Then a oral presentation at a parallel session in big confernence in your field, followed by oral/parallel/small. Poster in my opinion comes after all of this. Not sure what you mean by workshop, and tutorial. If you are the one leading the workshop, giving the tutorial, it's a big thing. If you are just attending, then it counts as training yourself, not educating others.