Opening native map app from JavaScript without relying on longitude and latitude coordinates

Looking at the Android intents list it should be possible using the q parameter within the geo: URI space.

Try this:

<a href="geo:0,0?q=Bacau">Test</a>

Cordova 3.6.0 introduces a second whitelist, for restricting which URLs are allowed to launch external applications. In previous versions of Cordova, all non-http URLs, such as mailto:, geo:, sms: and intent, were implicitly allowed to be the target of an a tag. Because of the potential for an application to leak information, if an XSS vulnerability allows an attacker to construct arbitrary links, these URLs must be whitelisted as well, starting in Cordova 3.6.0.

Cordova 3.6.0 Whitelist Guide

So you need to add explicitly in the config.xml:

  <access origin="tel:*" launch-external="yes" />
  <access origin="mailto:*" launch-external="yes" />