Opening files with default Windows application from within emacs

  1. Evaluate the following elisp
  2. Run dired (M-x dired)
  3. Browse to directory and file
  4. With point on file, pressing F3 will open the file based on the windows extension.

    (defun w32-browser (doc) (w32-shell-execute 1 doc))

    (eval-after-load "dired" '(define-key dired-mode-map [f3] (lambda () (interactive) (w32-browser (dired-replace-in-string "/" "\\" (dired-get-filename))))))

To extend on the 'org-open-file' proposal:

(defun my-dired-find-file (&optional prefix)
    (interactive "P")
    (if prefix
        (org-open-file (dired-get-file-for-visit) 'system)

(define-key dired-mode-map "\r" 'my-dired-find-file)

Will let you open a file externally with `C-u RET'.

found at