OpenCV : wrapPerspective on whole image

Your code doesn't seem to be complete, so it is difficult to say what the problem is.

In any case the warped image might have completely different dimensions compared to the input image so you will have to adjust the size paramter you are using for warpPerspective.

For example try to double the size:

cv::warpPerspective(*_image, *_undistortedImage, M, 2*cv::Size(_image->cols, _image->rows));


To make sure the whole image is inside this image, all corners of your original image must be warped to be inside the resulting image. So simply calculate the warped destination for each of the corner points and adjust the destination points accordingly.

To make it more clear some sample code:

// calculate transformation
cv::Matx33f M = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(points2D, imagePoints);

// calculate warped position of all corners

cv::Point3f a = M.inv() * cv::Point3f(0, 0, 1);
a = a * (1.0/a.z);

cv::Point3f b = M.inv() * cv::Point3f(0, _image->rows, 1);
b = b * (1.0/b.z);

cv::Point3f c = M.inv() * cv::Point3f(_image->cols, _image->rows, 1);
c = c * (1.0/c.z);

cv::Point3f d = M.inv() * cv::Point3f(_image->cols, 0, 1);
d = d * (1.0/d.z);

// to make sure all corners are in the image, every position must be > (0, 0)
float x = ceil(abs(min(min(a.x, b.x), min(c.x, d.x))));
float y = ceil(abs(min(min(a.y, b.y), min(c.y, d.y))));

// and also < (width, height)
float width = ceil(abs(max(max(a.x, b.x), max(c.x, d.x)))) + x;
float height = ceil(abs(max(max(a.y, b.y), max(c.y, d.y)))) + y;

// adjust target points accordingly
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    points2D[i] += cv::Point2f(x,y);

// recalculate transformation
M = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(points2D, imagePoints);

// get result
cv::Mat result;
cv::warpPerspective(*_image, result, M, cv::Size(width, height), cv::WARP_INVERSE_MAP);