one-column multicol environment

This solution is inspired by Werner's, but it supports the optional argument to \begin{multicols} and, more importantly, doesn't collect the whole contents in a single swoop, which is best to avoid, if possible. It also doesn't require changing the environment's name.



  \else % More than 1 column
  \else % More than 1 column


\begin{multicols}{2}[\section{Title in single column}]



enter image description here

You can use an alternative environment which conditions on whether you're managing a single or multiple columns:

enter image description here


  \ifnum#1<2\relax% Fewer than 2 columns
    %\vspace{-\baselineskip}% Possible vertical correction
  \else% More than 1 column





multicol expects to capture the end of the environment in order to gauge where the multicols text ends. Wrapping it inside a new environment that captures the entire content in (say) \BODY (as is done using environ) allows you to condition on certain arguments before handling the output.

