Omitting fields in Bibliography

One way to proceed is to create a modified version of the file plainnat.bst, in which the functions that format and print fields such as doi and isbn are reduced to stubs that do nothing:

  • Find the file plainnat.bst in your TeX distribution. Make a copy of this file and call it, say, myplainnat.bst. (Don't edit an original file of the TeX distribution directly.)

  • Open myplainnat.bst in your favorite text editor, and search for the function called format.doi. (In my copy of the file, it starts on line 292.)

  • In this function, replace the line

    { new.block "\doi{" doi * "}" * }


    { "" }

    In short, tell BibTeX to do nothing even if the field doi is non-empty. (You could go further and replace the function's entire body with { " " }. However, if you ever choose to undo some of these edits, it may be easier to do so if you leave behind for more than that absolute minimum code snippet.)

  • Repeat this procedure, as needed, for the functions format.url, format.issn, and format.isbn.

  • Save the file myplainnat.bst, either in the directory where your main .tex file is located or in a directory that's searched by BibTeX. If you choose the latter option, you'll probably need to update the filename database of your TeX distribution too.

  • Start using the new bibliography style via


You should use biblatex with this in your preamble (remove \bibliographystyle{plainnat})

\renewcommand\nameyeardelim{, }

Where this gives you the expected removal.

  \clearfield{issn} % Remove issn
  \clearfield{doi} % Remove doi

  \ifentrytype{online}{}{% Remove url except for @online

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