Oh no! Something went wrong! While starting the system after installing Kali Linux

Quite simple. 8GB of disk isn't enough for this version of Kali Linux. Use VBoxManage to resize the virtual disk, and GParted to expand the filesystem.

As I was attempting to install Kali 2.0 on VMware I was running into the same issue. Startx was not found, and even upon manually installing it would not work. The one thing that worked for me was to enable virtualization in bios. This is usually a problem that occurs with VirtualBox for me, but this time it resolves the issue with Kali 2.0 on VMware.

My situation was different. I was installing on a new laptop. My configured VM had plenty of memory and disk yet I still had this issue.

What I eventually found was that since it was a new laptop the bios configuration did not have virtualization turned on.

Once I enabled this in the bios my VMs worked as expected.