obtain the same kerning after coloring as without coloring in math mode

enter image description here

wherein we learn tex outputs the superscript before the subscript:-)

The issue is the color restore after y breaks the kerning, so with a bit of care you can reset the colour somewhere else...





 \C y_{jt}^{\restorecolor*}\qquad \text{is kerned differently than} \qquad y_{jt}^*

\savebox{\Cbox}{$\C y_{jt}^{\restorecolor*}$}


This is a known problem (cf. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/183496/29873). It can be fixed by using LuaTeX and luacolor:





 \C y_{jt}^* \qquad \text{is kerned differently than} \qquad y_{jt}^*

\savebox{\Cbox}{$\C y_{jt}^*$}
