Obtain a link to a specific email in GMail

To clarify on the answer provided by Kevin Patel you can get the link directly from your browser, however you must have the reading pane set to "No split", otherwise you get a generic URL.

See here

I don't know about a specific "email", but you can view a specific thread (which is usually one email) by clicking in the URL bar and copying that. Then, change the label to "all".

So if the url is "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/abc123def456", you would change "#inbox" to say "#all" like this: "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/abc123def456"

Now the link will work, even after you archive it and it's not in your inbox.

I don't think Gmail can show one email, it always shows a thread. You can look for one message, but still will see the whole thread.

If this is OK for you, the URL is


followed by the message ID (can be found by looking at "show original").

See this question for some more details.