Object oriented Javascript: event handling

In this line


you don't bind the scope of this.bark to this. In JavaScript, the value of this does not depend on where the function is defined but from where it is called. This means when you pass this.bark to addEventListener you detach it from the current object.

In frameworks like prototype.js and JQuery there are shortcuts for binding this, with vanilla JavaScript you can do it like this:

function bind(scope, fn) {
   return function() {
      return fn.apply(scope, arguments);

And then:

document.addEventListener("Event",bind(this, this.bark),false);

The problem you have is that this inside the function does not refer to the object you want to manipulate.

How about adding the function bark inside the function definition?

var Dog = function (name) {
    this.name = name;    
    this.bark = function() {
        console.log(name + ': Awooooooof Woof!');
    document.addEventListener("Event", this.bark, false);