Nuxt open link into modal

I have built a sandbox solution for you here:

Explaining the solution:

The solution uses beforeRouteLeave() function from the vue-router which is available to your nuxt pages by default:

beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
  if ( === "product-id") {
  } else {

This function interrupts any route changes on the featured page before they happen, and if the target route is the route of the product detail (which means someone clicked on product link), it opens the modal dialog instead.

To handle the url change on opening and closing of the modal, the window.history object is used:

displayProductModal(route) {
  this.activeModal =
  window.history.pushState({}, null, route.path)
hideProductModal() {
  this.activeModal = null
  window.history.pushState({}, null, this.$route.path)

Try to play around a bit, it should work exactly like the youpic example you provided.

Note: There are no real "modals" used in the example, the whole example is as basic as possible for the sake of simplicity.

I recently implemented this feature after facing nearly the same situation you are in. At least in my case, I was really overthinking it.

All that I did was take the single resource page (/pages/product/:id/:slug in your case) and have it be a modal by default. I am using vuetify and v-dialog is a modal. The nuxt project hierarchy didn't change. Your equivalent would be the slug.vue page.

<v-dialog v-model="drawer" fullscreen hide-overlay transition="dialog-bottom-transition">
    <v-card height="100vh">
        <div class="flex">
            <v-toolbar dark color="primary darken-2">
                <v-btn icon dark @click="close">
                    <v-btn text nuxt :to="`/members/${}/notes`">Notes</v-btn>
                    <v-btn text nuxt :to="`/members/${}/edit`">Edit</v-btn>
                    <v-btn text nuxt :to="`/members/${}/payments`">Payments</v-btn>

            <v-row no-gutters>

import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
watchQuery: ["id"],
transition(to, from) {
    if (!from) {
        return "slide-left";
    return < ? "slide-right" : "slide-left";
data() {
    return {
        id: this.$,
        drawer: true
fetch({ store, params }) {
computed: {
    member: {
        get() {
            return this.$store.getters["members/active"];
        set(member) {
            this.$store.commit("members/update", {
                member: member
methods: {
    async close() {
        await this.$nuxt.$router.go(-1);
        this.drawer = false;

What I have an understanding of your requirement is looking at is that you want (directory of products) route and there on click of product you want open dialog which will be full screen with the route as (Details page).

please correct me if I am wrong!!

Now you can achieve this with 2 way

1) On click of the each product(i.e. (directory of products) route) use nuxt-link with redirect to (Details page) route

2) On click of the each product(i.e. (directory of products) route) manually update the route with router.push and open dialog

Now, if we see and let's take this as Nuxt code structure will be pages/explore where they manually update route with router.push to but when you share/take this URL( and try to open that so in Nuxt code structure you have to maintain pages/image/:id/:slug which will actually a page if you directly see go to Page you can see.

Hope this will help you!!

If you have any doubts we can discuss more!!