Numerical second order differentiation

You can use the two argument form of Differences (Differences[list, n]) to get nth differences:

Transpose[{firstlist[[2 ;; -2, 1]], 
  Differences[firstlist[[All, 2]], 2] / 2 / {-1, 1}.firstlist[[{1, 2}, 1]]}]

% == diff2list


Or make it a function:

diF2 = Transpose[{Most@Rest@#, Differences[#2, 2]/2/(#[[2]] - #[[1]])} & @@ Transpose@#] &;

diF2 @ firstlist == diff2list


You can also use the following alternatives to Differences[lst, 2]:

ListConvolve[{1., -2., 1.}, lst]
ListCorrelate[{1., -2., 1.}, lst]
{1, -2, 1}.{lst[[1 ;; -3]], lst[[2 ;; -2]], lst[[3 ;; -1]]}

I'm pretty sure you've been trained in a language other than Mathematica because your style and syntax take advantage of none of Mathematica's unique power:

myList = RandomInteger[{0, 5}, 10];

diff2 = Differences[myList];

diff3 = Differences[diff2]

If you have to take the differences often, it may pay off to assemble a SparseArray that does it for you:

n = 1000000;
A = Plus[
    DiagonalMatrix[SparseArray@ConstantArray[-2., n]],
    DiagonalMatrix[SparseArray@ConstantArray[1., n - 1], 1],
    DiagonalMatrix[SparseArray@ConstantArray[1., n - 1], -1]
    ][[2 ;; -2]];

myList = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, n];
a = Differences[myList, 2]; // RepeatedTiming // First
b = Subtract[myList[[1 ;; -3]] + myList[[3 ;; -1]], 2. myList[[2 ;; -2]]]; // RepeatedTiming // First
c = A.myList; // RepeatedTiming // First
a == b == c





I also suggest to keep the list of x- and y-values apart as two vectors of length $n$ (rather than muddling them to gether to a $n \times 2$ matrix); that will quicken the read operations that you will most likely perform on the data.