Numeric keypad not working

Sometimes, in machines that I connect through VNC mouse keys get mysteriously enabled. Maybe this is your problem.

Click on the System Menu -> Preferences -> Keyboard. In the Mouse Keys tab check that Pointer can be controlled using the keypad is disabled.

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I'll post another answer because it took me ages to figure it out. It appears that things have been moved around a bit in recent releases. The "Mouse Keys" tab wasn't there in my Keyboard preferences (Ubuntu 11.10, gnome shell), so @JavierRivera's solution set me on the right track, but didn't solve the problem of turning off the "control pointer using keypad" option. This is where I did find it:

Settings > Universal Access > Pointing and Clicking

I also enabled "Numeric keypad keys work as with Macintosh" since I'm using an imac keyboard. This option is found in:

Settings > Keyboard Layout > Layouts > Options > Miscellaneous compatibility options

which seems to be necessary for me.

For Ubuntu 12.10:

  • Click on the System Menu -> System Settings -> Universal Access -> Point and Clicking

  • Turn "Mouse Keys" off