Number format in matrix, like siunitx

Use a tabular, with \left[ and \right]:

\sisetup{per-mode = symbol}

   4917.02 & -1053.65 &  1053.65 \\
  -1053.65 & 90233.8  & 16791.5 \\
   1053.65 & 16791.5  & 79980.3 \\


enter image description here

How about using the siunitx - columns in table and wrap the bmatrix around?

Please choose the appropiate S settings for your needs.

\sisetup{per-mode = symbol}
      4917.02 & -1053.65 & 1053.65 \\
     -1053.65 & 90233.8 & 16791.5 \\
      1053.65 & 16791.5 & 79980.3 \\

enter image description here