null objects vs. empty objects

Passing non-null just to avoid a NullReferenceException is trading a straightforward, easy-to-solve problem ("it blows up because it's null") for a much more subtle, hard-to-debug problem ("something several calls down the stack is not behaving as expected because much earlier it got some object which has no meaningful information but isn't null").

NullReferenceException is a wonderful thing! It fails hard, loud, fast, and it's almost always quick and easy to identify and fix. It's my favorite exception, because I know when I see it, my task is only going to take about 2 minutes. Contrast this with a confusing QA or customer report trying to describe strange behavior that has to be reproduced and traced back to the origin. Yuck.

It all comes down to what you, as a method or piece of code, can reasonably infer about the code which called you. If you are handed a null reference, and you can reasonably infer what the caller might have meant by null (maybe an empty collection, for example?) then you should definitely just deal with the nulls. However, if you can't reasonably infer what to do with a null, or what the caller means by null (for example, the calling code is telling you to open a file and gives the location as null), you should throw an ArgumentNullException.

Maintaining proper coding practices like this at every "gateway" point - logical bounds of functionality in your code—NullReferenceExceptions should be much more rare.

I tend to be dubious of code with lots of NULLs, and try to refactor them away where possible with exceptions, empty collections, Java Optionals, and so on.

The "Introduce Null Object" pattern in Martin Fowler's Refactoring (page 260) may also be helpful. A Null Object responds to all the methods a real object would, but in a way that "does the right thing". So rather than always check an Order to see if order.getDiscountPolicy() is NULL, make sure the Order has a NullDiscountPolicy in these cases. This streamlines the control logic.



