Nuget gives the error "ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled"

If you encounter this installing NuGet packages from Visual Studio Package Manager Console, run Visual Studio as Administrator.

In case anybody finds this on Google and this happened to you, I suggest you first try restarting Visual Studio, particularly if the Package Manager Console has worked for you before. In VS 2019, I've noticed that, if I leave it in the background while it's loading, sometimes it'll throw that error.

For me, restarting Visual Studio and leaving it in the foreground until the Package Manager Console finished initializing solved the issue. Note that running it as administrator was not necessary.

enter image description here

Translation of the image text would be somewhat: This certificate has been revoked from its key store.

Certificate on my init.ps1 has expired - thus RemoteSigned will not do. For that package version to work, it would need to be set to ByPass or Unrestricted. Personally, i would not recommend doing this...

-- EDIT -- I went ahead and updated the package and found they have resigned a new cert for v 1.0.2. Issue following in NuGet console for fix:

Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform

I guess the specific package you are trying to install needs to run a Powershell script and for some reason, Powershell execution is disabled on your machine. You can search google on "how to enable Powershell" for a complete guide but generally, it goes like this:

  • Open up a Powershell command window (just search for Powershell after pressing windows start button)
  • Check out current restrictions by typing Get-ExecutionPolicy
  • Enable PowerShell by typing Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned

This issue does not affect the server you are planing to install your application on.