Notification vibrate issue for android 8.0

This is a bug on Android 8 notification system. I've tinkered with different combinations of enableVibration with setVibrationPattern(null) but it does not work.

Only solution that stops the vibration for me is this:

mNotificationChannel.setVibrationPattern(new long[]{ 0 });

FYI, even if I set a vibration pattern with 0, but set enableVibration to false, it vibrates.

In addition to Ahmadul Hoq's answer, which did work for me, I would like to add that you may need to remove the app and reinstall it before the vibration changes take place. The channel keeps its initial settings and stays alive if the app is killed - so changes may not be applied if you simply build and run.

I was initially using NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT and could not get the vibrating to stop. Using NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW instead resolved the issue. NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_MIN would also work; see here: