"Not allowed to load local resource" for Local image from Remote page in PhoneGap Build

OK finally got a workaround, which is to convert the file:/// URI to a cdvfile:// URI, which my page only complains is a mixed content warning, and does allow me to access!

function getFileEntry(imgUri) {
            window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(imgUri, function success(fileEntry) {
                console.log("got file: " + fileEntry.fullPath);
                console.log('cdvfile URI: ' + fileEntry.toInternalURL());
                $('#imgPreview').attr("src", fileEntry.toInternalURL());

Would still be nice to have a proper way to access file:/// URIs, I can see cases where this wouldn't work, but for what I'm doing this is resolved.

Something to note here for future users who run into this, be sure you are NOT running in 'Live Reload' mode when testing a feature like this. Live Reload will result in this same error message which is clearly misleading. After building w/o live reload everything worked fine for me using the file:/ OR cdv:/ path.

I have recently faced same issue. Appears that cordova ios app is run on localhost:8080 internally, this is main reason why it doesn`t allow to load files from "file://" protocol.

easy fix - "var workingPath = window.Ionic.normalizeURL(givenPath)";

Please read article from IONIC about that - https://ionicframework.com/docs/wkwebview/