Not able to make click event in android data binding

In later versions of the DataBinding library you can just bind to your click event like this:

android:onClick="@{() ->}"

Then, in your viewmodel you can just add a listener like this:

public void save(){

Make your MyHandlers interface from class.

public class MyHandlers {
    public void onShowToast(View view);

Implement it in your Activity or Fragment, in your case it will be as follows

public class View extends AppCompatActivity implements ViewContract.requiredMethods, MyHandlers{

    ViewModel mModel;
    ActivityMainBinding binding;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //Setting the layout
        binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main);
        mModel=new ViewModel(getContext());


    public void onShowToast(View view) {

Override your interface method onShowToast and set the handler for your binding, and that's it, you are done with click events