Not able to create super user with Django

If you run

$ python createsuperuser
Superuser creation skipped due to not running in a TTY. You can run createsuperuser in your project to create one manually.
from Git Bash and face the above error message try to append winpty i.e. for example:
$ winpty python createsuperuser
Username (leave blank to use '...'):

To be able to run python commands as usual on windows as well what I normally do is appending an alias line to the ~/.profile file i.e.

 MINGW64 ~$ cat ~/.profile
 alias python='winpty python'

After doing so, either source the ~/.profile file or simply restart the terminal and the initial command python createsuperuser should work as expected!

In virtualenv, for creating super-user for Django project related to git-bash use the command:

winpty python createsuperuser.