Normalizing space after stacked characters in LaTeX: Typesetting o͘

If I understand well what you want, here is a solution with the \stackinset command from stackengine:





o\Oo o \Oo oo \Oo\Oo o ooo


enter image description here

If you want to preserve the automatic kerning between letters, you need to print the ‘o’ twice, superimposing them but adding, in the middle, a raised dot.


  \kern-\fontcharwd\font`#1% back up
    \raisebox{\ht0}[0pt][0pt]{\kern#2\wd0 .}%


o\oo o \oo oo \oo\oo o ooo

ooo  ooo ooo ooo


The \DOTABOVERIGHT command takes two arguments: the letter the dot should be applied to and the amount of offset (as fraction of the letter width).

enter image description here