Non-blocking file read

Python does support non-blocking reads, at least on Unix type systems, by setting the O_NONBLOCK flag. In Python 3.5+, there is the os.set_blocking() function which makes this easier:

import os
f = open(filename, 'rb')
os.set_blocking(f.fileno(), False)  # This will be non-blocking.

However, as zvone's answer notes, this doesn't necessarily work on actual disk files. This isn't a Python thing though, but an OS limitation. As the Linux open(2) man page states:

Note that this flag has no effect for regular files and block devices; that is, I/O operations will (briefly) block when device activity is required, regardless of whether O_NONBLOCK is set.

But it does suggest this may be implemented in the future:

Since O_NONBLOCK semantics might eventually be implemented, applications should not depend upon blocking behavior when specifying this flag for regular files and block devices.

I suggest using aiofiles - a library for handling local disk files in asyncio applications.

import aiofiles

async def read_without_blocking():
    f = await'filename', mode='r')
        contents = await
        await f.close()

File operations are blocking. There is no non-blocking mode.

But you can create a thread which reads the file in the background. In Python 3, concurrent.futures module can be useful here.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def read_file(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:

executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
future_file = executor.submit(read_file, 'C:\\Temp\\')

# continue with other work

# later:

if future_file.done():
    file_contents = future_file.result()

Or, if you need a callback to be called when the operation is done:

def on_file_reading_finished(future_file):

future_file = executor.submit(read_file, 'C:\\Temp\\')

# continue with other code while the file is loading...