NodeJS error "EMFILE, too many open files" on Mac OS

You can solve this problem by increasing the maxfiles limit:

launchctl limit maxfiles 16384 16384 && ulimit -n 16384

This worked for me:

ulimit -n 10480

found here

i had this error and the ulimit and launchclt didn't work for me,

this solution from worked for me

echo kern.maxfiles=65536 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo kern.maxfilesperproc=65536 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=65536
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=65536
ulimit -n 65536 65536

and then putting the

ulimit -n 65536 65536

into ~/.bashrc


