Node.js (with express & bodyParser): unable to obtain form-data from post request

In general, an express app needs to specify the appropriate body-parser middleware in order for req.body to contain the body.


  1. If you required parsing of url-encoded (non-multipart) form data, as well as JSON, try adding:

    // Put this statement near the top of your module
    var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
    // Put these statements before you define any routes.

    First, you'll need to add body-parser to the dependencies property of your package.json, and then perform a npm update.

  2. To handle multi-part form data, the bodyParser.urlencoded() body parser will not work. See the suggested modules here for parsing multipart bodies.

To handle multipart/form-data request that support file upload, you need to use multer module. npm link for multer middleware

Make sure to put in this order: bodyParser.json() first. app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));