Node.js script failed to start with systemctl

I don't think that's how you start a node app. You are just specifying the JavaScript file here:


You also need to specify the node executable, something like the following, if node is in the path.

ExecStart= node /var/www/laporan/nodeserver/server.js

If node isn't on the executable path, you must provide it:

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node /var/www/laporan/nodeserver/server.js

to give clarity of the error you are putting the node executable path is wrong. To get the correct path you can use

$ which node // /usr/bin/node

in my case its different i get /usr/bin/node as path so in you ExecStart copy the node path from the command line

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /var/www/laporan/nodeserver/server.js