Drupal - Node clone module - how to use it?

I have enabled Node clone on a Drupal 7 site. The cloning capability appears as an action link at the beginning of the node content on the View tab, not as a separate tab. The link text is "Clone content". The actual HTML is:

<ul class="action-links"><li><a href="/node/34/clone">Clone content</a></li>

I'm using a clean Zen subtheme. Perhaps your theme is preventing the action links from appearing?

This is an older question, but for anyone out there looking for a solution to this for Drupal 7, the simplest way is to install the Node Clone Tab module, and it will appear as a tab next to View, Edit, Devel, etc.

Sounds like a permission issue, this module defines 2 new permissions, have you set them for the users you want?
