Sharepoint - No way to stop sending a welcome email when granting permissions in SharePoint 2013

When you add a user / group in SharePoint, you should see "Send an email invitation" check box to control whether or not send the welcome e-mail to the new users. You could clear that check box and it should fix your problem.

enter image description here

Also, there are some situations when "Send an email invitation" is hidden. I checked dialog's code-behind by reflector and find that:

Part of InitPage method of AclInv.cs:

if (isEmailServerSet)
    if (object.get_IsCompatibilityLevel15Up())
      this.PanelSendEmail.Visible = true;
      this.PanelEmailBody.Visible = true;
      this.txtEmailSubject.Text = SPResource.GetString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "ACLInviteDefaultSubject", (object) this.Web.CurrentUser.Name, (object) this.TargetObjectTitle);
      if (this.CanSendLink)
        this.PanelRequireSignIn.Visible = true;
      this.ifsSendEmail.Visible = true;

As you can see sharepoint checks "isEmailServerSet" before setting visibility to inviation configuration panels.

As the result, you need to configure outgoing e-mail settings in CA (Central Administration -> System settings -> Configure outgoing e-mail settings) to make invitation configuration visible in "Share" dialog.

