No tests to execute msTest

In my case I started getting "No tests to execute" on command line when I switched to .NET Framework 4.6.1. I had to switch from MSTest.exe to VSTest.Console.exe for it to work.

Some instructions on how to use vstest.console.exe are here -

Also check this out -

  1. Create a .Net Framework unit test project.

  2. Manage nuget packages -> Remove "MSTest.TestFramework" and "MSTest.TestAdapter" nuget packages.

  3. Add an assembly reference to "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework",

  4. Rebuild the project and verify that the output path(bin\debug) does not have any _MSTest_TestAdapter*.dll assemblies This works for me.

It turns out I needed to use the nunit-console as my tests are written in the nunit framework.

Live and learn I guess