No "pull" in Git Gui?

There is also a way to add the pull command to git gui.

When you open GIT GUI you can open the tab Tools and choose Add option.

You can enter a name, and as command enter git pull

This will add an option under the Tools tab. Just click this and a git pull will be done.

Considering this answer: it's not because a pull can be done that it should be done

This entry in .gitconfig works nicely for me:

[guitool "Pull"]
cmd = git pull $(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) | tr / " ")

It automatically selects current remote branch.

Instruction above assumes that you've set your upstream prior. If you haven't done so then you can do it using command below. [NOTE: Run the command inside of your repository.]

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main master

Above command to set upstream is for a case where your remote is origin and current branch is main.

Well, I found this useful forum post:

A fetch and merge should be done.

It seems you need to go to "Remote" menu, then "Fetch from" option , in my case origin, and then go to "Merge Menu" and then "Local Merge...".