No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/WEB-INF/pages/apiForm.jsp]

Yes, I know I'm late to this party but it might help others.

The servlet container chooses the mapping based on the longest path that matches. So you can put this mapping in for your JSPs and it will be chosen over the /* mapping.


Actually for Tomcat that's all you'll need since jsp is a servlet that exists out of the box. For other containers you either need to find out the name of the JSP servlet or add a servlet definition like:


Just add <mvc:default-servlet-handler /> to your DispatcherServlet configuration and you are done!

Looks like DispatcherServlet is trying to process the request for apiForm.jsp, which suggests to me that your web.xml servlet-mapping is directing requests for that space to DispatcherServlet.

You might have something like this?


Try calling your controllers with a different extension (.do for example) and update the servlet-mapping to suit
