No embedded resource found

The fix that worked for me was the following

In the main project .csproj file, I found that all my .xaml files where formatted like this :

<EmbeddedResource Include="Source\Home\HomeContentView.xaml"> <Generator>MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml</Generator> </EmbeddedResource>

Except one, the one that was failing had an extra line which looked like this


Removing this line fixed the issue. I also saved my files, cleaned and rebuilt the project.

It's a bug. For some reason its status is RESOLVED FIXED, but it doesn't seem fixed at all. On XS on mac anyway.

As a workaround, the file that the exception is thrown in, SomeClass.g.cs, just make an edit to that one generated file, save it, and build again. A bit faster than rebuilding everything.

Of course this means every time you change a .xaml file, you have to build twice.

I had a similar error and fixed it by correcting the class name in my xaml file. I mean in the x:Class attribute of my page.